How To Extract Images From A Word Document
You came in contact with article documented in Microsoft
Word embedded with beautiful images or images you wish you could also insert into
your own write up. This article is going to show you how to extract those
images from Microsoft Word without stress.

I know two methods for two scenarios going about your task
which would be stated below in steps. The first scenario is the extraction of
single image while the second scene is the extraction of multiple images from a
Let us start with the first scene:

How to extract a
Single Image embedded in a Word Document

Step 1. Open/Launch the Word document you want to perform
the extraction from.
Step 2. Right click on the image in question and select/tap
Step 3. Open/Launch your PhotoShop app or Paint or image/photo
editor available on your PC.
Step 4. Paste the image in a new blank sheet/page.
Step 5. Then save the image in your desired name and format
(GIF, JPEG, PNG, and so on).
That’s all for extraction of single image.

How to extract Multiple
Images embedded in a Word Document
If you are to undergo the above steps in order to extract multiple images from a document, it will work but would be a bit stressful. 
So let us follow the below steps toextract multiple images from a Word document:

Step 1. Open/Launch the Word document you want to perform
the extraction from.Step 2. Go to the top left corner and click “File” on the
main menu.Step 3. Click “Save As”.Step 4. Select/Tap “Other Formats”Step 5. Choose the location you wish to save the document
to.Step 6. Choose Web Page from the drop-down menu and click “Save”.Step 7. Now go and check the location you chose, you see the
file saved as a folder.

Open the folder to see all the images that were embedded in
the document there.
That is it. You can now do whatever you wish to do with them


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