MTN Nigeria customers can now block their lines on their own when their phone is missing or stolen. This service will enable customers to block their SIM as soon as it gets missing or stolen from a third-Party Phone/device.

This can be done via the Self Service USSD channel (*123*7*4#). This service will help avoid incidences of fraudulent activities on the SIM.

How to protect your Stolen or Lost MTN SIM

Upon successful blocking of the SIM, you will be required to visit an MTN Store to unblock line with proper verification carried out or by SIM Swap. Line is then reactivated back on the network.

Before now, Customers could only get their stolen or missing lines blocked by contacting our Call Centre- 180, Virtual channels or Walk-in Stores.

The service will help bridge the gap and reduce Customer effort in getting their lines barred to avoid fraudulent activities. The only ineligible customers are our Enterprise Customers under a CUG.

How to use SIM Barring from Third Party Phone service?

Long dial *123*7*4# or dial *123# (MTN’s self-service USSD dial) and follow the prompt of inputting ‘7’-Self-Service, then ‘4’-Block Stolen or Lost SIM to access the service.

After dialing the code, you will get two options are available to access this service-
you can block your SIM by using their MTN Secure PIN OR by Answering Security Questions

(i) You would be required to enter their MTN Secure PIN (Same PIN used for MTN Share, MTN teen, SME Data Share, SME One Account)

(ii) You will be required to correctly respond to 3 questions to validate ownership of the line, after which the line will be blocked, if answers are incorrect, the customer will be advised to visit the nearest MTN Store to block the SIM.

(iii) Blocked lines can only be reactivated only at MTN Stores via verification of details or SIM Swap.

FAQs on SIM Barring via 3rd Party Phone

1. Q. How will I block my line myself since it is stolen?

A. This is possible by dialing MTN’s USSD code -*123*7*4# on any active MTN line. (That is a third-party phone). You can either choose to use your MTN Secured PIN (same as you use for MTN Share) or provide answers to three security questions.

2. Q. What if I don’t have MTN secured PIN?

A. You can choose the option of providing answers to three security questions as captured from your SIM Registration KYC and Transaction information.

3. Q. How many questions would I need to answer correctly to block my stolen line?

A. You must answer all the three validation questions correctly as it is captured on MTN SIM Registration KYC.

4. Q. Can I use any line to block my SIM?

A. Yes. you can use any active MTN line to block their SIM.

5. Q. Where would I get a line to block my SIM.

A. You can use any friend or family’s MTN line to block your SIM.

6. Q. How will I unblock my SIM?

A. Simply visit the nearest MTN Store. All you need is your NIN to reactivate/retrieve your SIM.

7. Q. Will Port-in Customers be able to block their lines too?

A. Yes! All active MTN lines can block their lines when stolen except Enterprise Customers under a CUG.

8. Q. Are all MTN Customers able to block their lines when stolen?

A. No! MTN Customers who are under a CUG of a company cannot block their lines. They will need to inform their Telcom Master who will assist them to block their lines.

9. Q. How will I know my line has been blocked?

A. There is a pop-up message that will be displayed on the 3rd Party phone that was used to block the line. Also, SMS of successful or unsuccessful blocking will be received both on the phone used to block after blocking and on the blocked line after it has been reactivated.

10. Q. How many times can a customer block a line in a month?

A. No restriction to the number of times a customer can block their lines.

11 Q. Will there be any negative impact on 3rd party line after blocking a SIM?

A. There will be no negative impact on the 3rd party phone or SIM as the service is a USSD service option. No data will be stored on the 3rd party phone.

12. Q. How much will it cost me to block my line?

A. The service is free, and it is available on the Self-service platform via USSD.


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