X, previously known as Twitter, has once again found itself in a controversial position for not labeling ads on its platform. Users have spotted ads that don’t carry the typical “Ad” label, blurring the line between paid and organic content. This issue not only frustrates users but could also attract the attention of regulatory bodies like the FTC.

Twitter New Logo

X May Be Adding To Its Already Compounded Trouble

The silence from X has led to speculation about whether this is an intentional act or a technical glitch. Either way, the oversight raises questions about the platform’s commitment to transparency and could add to its ongoing challenges. Elon Musk, who now helms the platform, has already announced a 60% drop in ad revenue, blaming activist campaigns for the decline.

Transparency advocate Nandini Jammi, co-founder of the watchdog group Check My Ads, has been sharing examples of these unlabeled ads. Her group is encouraging users to report similar cases, emphasizing the need for accountability.

The lack of clear labeling could have a domino effect. It’s not just a user experience issue but could also dent advertiser trust. This comes at a time when the company has lost two key executives responsible for brand safety.

As X navigates these waters, the absence of a clear response on the unlabeled ads issue could be a telling sign of larger problems within the company. With dwindling ad revenue and a shaky executive team, this latest controversy could be a tipping point, forcing X to address its governance and operational issues more seriously.
