WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging applications around and just like any other messaging app, it gets frequently updates to keep the service secure and introduce new features. However, even when the app’s official version is updated regularly, the unofficial versions are very popular.

WhatsApp 1

That is, the modded WhatsApp applications are on loads of devices out there. And while these modded apps offer new features, they are a security concern for both the user and Meta. Well, the team has started to take action regarding it.

Desist From Modded or Unofficial WhatsApp!

The WhatsApp team has recently stated that it will delete the accounts of users using an unofficial or modded version of the app. That means you might be risking your chats and contacts if you run a third-party offered application on your phone.

But how will you know that WhatsApp has deleted your account? Well, the team reported that the users would get a message. It will first warn you that your account has been temporarily suspended. If you still do not uninstall the unofficial app and install the official version, the account may get permanently suspended.

options. But are those extra unofficial features really worth it? We think otherwise. Also, you can’t forget that the app’s unofficial versions pose many security risks. You would not want to get your sensitive data to be stolen, right?

So, if you are running an unofficial WhatsApp application on your phone, this would be the right time to uninstall it. Instead, install the latest version of the app from Google Play Store and Apple App Store. They are totally free and will not risk your account from getting deleted!


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