Following its launch of a WhatsApp Chatbot earlier this month in a bid to combat rumor-mongering and fake news related to the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, the World Health Organisation (WHO) is about to launch a whole new app with news, tips, alerts and more regarding the deadly virus. The app which is expected to be named ‘WHO MyHealth’, is being developed by a group of volunteers working as the ‘WHO COVID App Collective’, which includes former Google and Microsoft employees as well as WHO advisors and ambassadors, along with other industry experts.

World Health Organization to Launch App With COVID-19 Information

The open-source app, the code for which has already been uploaded to GitHub, will be available on Android, iOS and the web sooner rather than later. It will be rolled out globally, but will offer information tailored to the user’s “location, culture and language”.

According to the developers;

“The App will provide users an engaging, integrated, accurate, personalized and tailored (i.e. age, location,  language, culture, education level) related information on COVID-19 from trusted, validated sources. Crowd-sourced data from the App will be shared with WHO with user permission”.

The upcoming app is just the latest initiative in the global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic that many healthcare professionals are describing as the single largest health crisis of our generation. Governments, healthcare experts and companies from around the world are doing their best to address the crisis in their own ways by offering monetary help, creating online information hubs, donating medical supplies and various other means.

In the same bid to keep its subscribers abreast of the latest update on the spread of the virus with in the country, MTN Nigeria is giving out free data to its customers in order to visit some websites that provides update on the spread as well as those that educates people on how to protect themselves.



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