There is a new feature rolling out to Snapchat app. The new
functionality automatically suggests filters to users based on context. The app
has the ability to analyse the captured image and then suggest related filters
to the handler.
Latest Snapchat App comes with context-specific filters

Some images in Google were used to test this new feature on
the app and it was able to correctly identify the picture of the dog, the
burger, the beach and the sky and recommended appropriate filters for them.
Latest Snapchat App comes with context-specific filters

In the event of the sky scenario, Snapchat does this remarkable
thing, that has been around for a while now, where the app adds filter over a
little portion in the sky image. It will commonly overlay stars or clouds or
some other things and it’s smart enough to figure out exactly what part of the
image is the sky. The stars is just one of the effect and depending upon the
sky it can come up with multiple versions.
These filters however tends to be limited for now. For instance,
there aren’t any filters for cats or for a glass of drink but replacing the
burger with a pizza still popped up the food related filter. We expect more of
them to roll out eventually.

image credit: GSMarena


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