Instagram subscribers have since Tuesday been able to test
out the newest feature for Instagram.  This latest feature allows users to share a
live video stream with a friend who turn out to be part of their broadcast.
Instagram begins testing Live Video Sharing for subscribers

A user can decide when his guest is ready to quit, or that choice
could be left up to the guest. If a situation comes up that warrants an instant
end to your broadcasting day, simply tap on the word “Discard” and
your signal cuts out immediately, cool, isn’t it?

After the live feed, users have the option of adding the
final product to Stories, or keeping the file in the trash receptacle for
future purpose.
Instagram begins testing Live Video Sharing for subscribers

It seems as though Live Video Sharing is another new feature
intended to make life cooler and a small number of users are getting to test
this out in Instagram’s global communities. No information  sure how much more testing needs to be done
before the feature is green lit, but we’d venture to guess that it won’t be
terribly long before Instagram buddies are taking virtual walks throughout the
fake cities of their home towns.
introducing live video in November, millions of people have used it to connect
with friends and followers in an authentic way. Now, you can have even more fun
connecting with people in the moment.”-



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