VeriSign has published another report with data on the number of domain name registrations. According to the report, as of the end of the third quarter of this year, there were 370.7 million domain names registered in all top-level domains on the internet.

Internet Now Has 370.7 Million Registered Domain Names

This figure corresponds to an increase of about 0.6 million names, or 0.2% compared to the second quarter. In annual terms, the growth was approximately 10.8 million or 3.0%.

The top-level domains .com and .net account for 163.7 million registrations. Over the year, this number increased by 6.3 million or 4.0%. At the same time, the .com domain remains the leader in the number of names, with 150.3 million names, while the .net domain has 13.4 million registered names. Note that .net is not the second most popular top-level domain. It is behind the domains .tk (27.5 million names), .cn (24.7 million) and .de (16.6 million). Other populous top-level domains are .uk (10.8 million names), .org (10.2 million), .nl (6.0 million) and .ru (5.7 million).


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