1 million Reasons why you need ELECTRONEUM (The First British Cryptocurrency) today
Electroneum is a brand new British cryptocurrency launching
via an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) on September 14th. Developed to be used in
the mobile gaming and online gambling markets, it will be the most
user-friendly cryptocurrency in the world with wallet management and coin
mining all possible on a mobile app.

Why You
Must Buy This Coin?

You need to buy this coin and keep it. Do miss this great
opportunity. Did you miss the Bitcoin Opportunity?
Electroneum is something not to be missed!
A lot of people became millionaires because when the price
of 1 Bitcoin was $ 0.25 and now it’s about $ 4,800! How?
If you bought bitcoin with about $100 when it was just $0.25
by now you will be having approximately $2,000,000
Again, LISKCOIN was sold at $0.0002 per coin during The ICO
last year (2016), as at the time i was writing this piece (Oct 11st 2017), it
now worth $5.52 on bittrex exchange. A $100 worth LISKCOIN during ICO is now
worth $2,760,000
Here is another opportunity … WHY?
Until October 31, 2017, you can buy Electroneum coins for $
Where to Get
Electroneum and Bonus attached?

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When you buy Electroneum, there is a certain percentage
attached to it in form of bonus. Click the link below to buy yours now before
it’s too late
For every $ 1.00 purchase you will receive 120 ETN coins!
If you buy a decent $ 10 you will get 1200 coins!
If on November 1st this coin goes to $ 1 a coin you just
made $ 1200.00 !!
Imagine when Price Rises!
WHY Electroneum?
Duncan Logan CEO of RocketSpace (a company that worth over 1
Billion Dollar), long time investor of Bitcoin and Etherium. But he said that
#Electroneum will be the first ICO ever invested!

  • Big investors like Uber, IBM, Spotify and Hootsuite.
  • The biggest ICO ever in 2017 with over 80,000+ user and
    $18,000,000 raised with just barely 3 weeks of releasing The ICO
  • Electroneum is the first currency to be created in the UK!
  • The easiest currency to be powered by an App!
  • Focused on mobile gaming and the gaming industry will be
  • You can Mined Electroneum coin in your application by
    playing games!
  • A decentralized block chain with a centralized application!
  • The fastest transactions I’ve ever seen; 2 sec.
  • App is available for download on Andriod and iOS.
September 14 began to give coins, to the 31st of October are
closed with bonds!
Until October 31st 2017, you have the opportunity to get the
coin for just $ 0.01 per coin.
Buying with (Bitcoin, ETH, USD CASH, EURO, BRITISH UK POUND)
Accepted! “


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