Meta has just announced its very own competitor to take on ChatGPT and Google Bard. But it is distinguishing its artificial intelligence based system by launching the Llama 2 for free.

Meta Llama 2 is open for Personal And Commercial Use

Meta AI

Earlier this week, Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta announced that Llama 2 was built in collaboration with Microsoft. It is the latest AI language model, which is open for research and commercial use for free.

With its Llama 2 model, Meta will take on the various AI-based models being offered online and will also profit from generative AI tools (for images, texts, and more), similar to ChatGPT.

But to stand out from the crowd, Meta plans on being more accessible than some of its competitors. Llama 2 will be more transparent with the data and code it uses, which the company claims can help mitigate the bias that AI systems pick up.

Zuckerberg stated that “Open source drives innovation because it enables many more developers to build with new technology. It also improves safety and security because when software is open, more people can scrutinize it to identify and fix potential issues. I believe it would unlock more progress if the ecosystem were more open, which is why we’re open sourcing Llama 2.”

Notably, the American tech giant is also collaborating with Qualcomm to bring on-device AI with Llama 2 models. LLaMA is also an acronym for Large Language Model Meta AI and people can download the new AI models directly or through a partnership.