Home News WhatsApp is working on 3D Avartars for video calls

WhatsApp is working on 3D Avartars for video calls

Just like many other manufacturers and applications, WhatsApp us also set to introduce virtual avatars for users.


The WABetaInfo site, popularly known for leaking upcoming features on the messaging service, indeed affirms that Meta would develop this functionality since last March. However for now, there are very few information on this, only clues.

The type of avatars that will be in use by WhatsApp is still unknown, since no image representing them has leaked. However, we have a visual that suggests that these characters would be animated. WABetaInfo indeed shows a video call during which the front camera of a smartphone is deactivated.

WhatsApp is working on 3D Avartars

The “Switch to Avatar” option suggests that it will be possible to put your virtual character instead of your head. We can imagine an avatar in the style of those of Apple or AR Emojis from Samsung; that is to say in 3D and animated according to the movements of the user.

WhatsApp is working on 3D Avartars

But it is not impossible that we will finally have a 2D Emoji in the style of Bitmoji; or those of Messenger. Meta indeed already offers to create a character in its image; but these only appear as stickers and has no animations.

For the moment, WhatsApp has not communicated on the subject. But if there will be avatars, there is no doubt that Meta will announce the thing with great fanfare, given that it is a major visual novelty. In any case, the service continues to evolve in order to improve. For example, it is now possible to hide profile picture and last seen from specific people or to leave a group without notifying all participants.




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