Home News Google Has Completely Blocked Huawei Devices From Manually Install Apps

Google Has Completely Blocked Huawei Devices From Manually Install Apps

For over a year now, Huawei has been forced to release new smartphones without Google apps and services installed due to US sanctions. However, users found workarounds and manually installed Google apps. Now, it’s more manual installation seems to be almost impossible as Google has taken decisive action to completely blocked the ability to install its applications on Huawei devices.

Google Has Completely Blocked Huawei Smartphones From Manually Install Apps

One of the users of the social news resource Reddit drew attention to the problem. He said that for a year, he manually downloaded APK installation files for Google Maps and other applications and manually installed them. However, this trick recently failed for the first time.

When trying to install the latest version of Google Maps from the APK file on a smartphone, an installation error message appeared; and the reason was the following: “This application is not compatible with the CPU of your device”, although the previous version of the same application on the same smartphone did not have this problem.

Google Has Completely Blocked Huawei Smartphones From Manually Install Apps

The user tested the updated APKs of the latest versions of the Google apps on a much older Samsung smartphone and the installation went perfectly. He also took the trouble to try and install these same updated Google apps on other Huawei devices; including the Huawei P30, P20, P40, and so on. And in all cases, the installation on Huawei smartphones crashed due to the “incompatible CPU”.

Huawei and Google have not given official comments on this yet.



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