Home News NPower apologizes for technical issue on website, issue reportedly resolved

NPower apologizes for technical issue on website, issue reportedly resolved

N-Power has apologized for inability of applicants to access its site and also check their pre-selection status.The problem experienced by the applicant attracted so many criticism and anger from those who could not access the page for several hours.
NPower apologizes for technical issue on website, issue reportedly resolved

The government body, in a post on its Twitter handle at 6:30am on Tuesday, assured that the issue has been resolved.
ALSO READ: NpowerNG Release List of Successful Candidates 2017 – How to check your name
“We apologize to the men and women who kept vigil with us from 11.30pm”, it read.“Yes, we experienced some technical difficulty but it has been addressed now and applicants can log in to see their pre-selection status.”

Meanwhile, the programme has released its call centre lines.Categories Nigerians applied for include N-Teach, N-Agro, N-Health and N-Tax.The presidency recently stated that a total of 176,160 graduate beneficiaries has so far been deployed under the scheme.



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