Home News Tinycards: A learning app launched by Duolingo creators

Tinycards: A learning app launched by Duolingo creators

Learning can be a pretty difficult process at times. But today, there are a lot of tools that can help us learn whenever we want. These include various apps around us.
Tinycards: A learning app launched by Duolingo creators

One of the most popular apps for learning a new language is Duolingo, which one of the most downloaded educational apps. It is also one of the few free language apps which offer practical lessons in a variety of languages. Now, the creators of this popular and useful app have tried their hand in a new app to help people learn, known as Tinycards.
Tinycards is like a game. You unlock new levels as you go up, and fill a strength bar by answering cars correctly. 
You also earn bonus points by defeating the smart algorithms that adapt to your progress. This app has been in circulation on iOS since last year, but the Android version was just released this month.
The app includes more than 200,000 custom flashcard decks. These card decks cover a large range of topics, including geography, art history, and even fun things like Pokémon. Also, it gives you the chance to add decks yourself if you cannot find a particular deck pertaining to the topic you want to learn.
The app design is quite nice and simple to understand. In fact, Tinycards won several awards last year for its design. For example, Apple named Tinycards a top 10 best iPhone app of 2016. That’s high praise.
Here’s a quote from Duolingo cofounder Luis von Ann, about Tinycards and the concept of flashcards:

“Duolingo redefined the way millions of people learn languages by making it fun, effective and free. We’re excited to bring that experience to flashcards in order to help school kids suffering through memorization for tests. We also hope that this will motivate adults to learn new topics to enhance their lives.”

Tinycards is available to download on the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.



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