Internet or Digital Currency (also known as CryptoCurrency) is fast making the financial activities simple and pushing away poverty globally.
TBC is an internet currency or money, also called crypto-currency use for global business transaction (purchase any product or services) between co-users of TBC or within the TBC community worldwide.
TBC is the most valuable currency in the world. Kringles are the smallest denomination of TBC and almost all theTBC Community prefers making reference to the units of value in Kringles rather than TBC.
The value of TBC grows daily ranging from 1% to 5% daily and never knows downward valuation based on the fact that its members grows daily too.
For example, If you have 100 TBC today, within the next 1 year, it would have grown to a million or even more. Crazy appreciation, isn’t it?
To get more information and better knowledge of this wonderful currency, click:
Factually, the price officially appreciates, that is changes daily at about 1:00pm.
As at today, April 22, 2017,
1 TBC = 11.10937408 BTC.
BTC means Bitcoin (another crypto currency)
While the same today, The above BTC worth in Naira;
11 BTC = ₦397,997 Great.
First Launch your internet browser follow the steps below:
- Type on your browser
- Tap/click on REGISTER (Provide a valid e-mail, if you don’t
have, register one) - Fill the Form you see
- Tap/click on CONTINUE
- A confirmation/activation mail will be sent to your inbox.
- Now go back to your inbox after successfully signing up and
- Tap/click on the activation link sent to your e-mail
- Now go back to your internet browser, open a new tab and
- Go to the menu and tap/click on SIGN IN/SIGN UP
- Tap/click on SIGN UP, since you are new on the platform
- Fill the form asking for your e-mail address, password and
password confirmation. - Check the security BOX to prove that you are not a machine
- A confirmation/activation mail will again be sent to your
inbox - Now go back to you inbox and tap/click on the activation
link to confirm your account.
- Open a new tab in your browser, type
- Tap/click on the green button in the phone-like diagram seen
on the page - Tap/click GIVE ME A GIFT
- Tap/click on SHOW STEP ONE
- Fill the form and Tap/click submit
- Now go back to
to check your account balance. - It will start growing but to get rapid growth, finance it.