Home Telecoms Data Plans Google Fiber 5Gbps Service launched for a Monthly Fee of $125

Google Fiber 5Gbps Service launched for a Monthly Fee of $125

Google Fiber has launched its new 5Gbps internet plan option. The company had been testing this high speed internet service last year, and is finally rolling out the $100+ service in the US. So let’s have a look.

Google Fiber

Google Fiber 5Gbgs Internet Plan

The new internet plan is available as of right now in Kansas City, West Des Moines, and in Utah. This service offers a symmetrical upload and download speeds, an upgraded 10 Gig Fiber Jack that will be professionally installed, a Wi-Fi 6 router, and up to two mesh network extenders as well.

While 5Gbps is definitely really fast, most common households wouldn’t require such high speeds. So this is clearly being offered to people working as creative professionals, gamers, or any one who would need to transfer large files often and have minimal latency.

A great example of just how impressive the new Google Fiber internet plan is, the Microsoft Flight Simulator download takes around 11 minutes at 2Gbps. However, this would fall to just around three minutes at 6Gbps.

The Search engine giant is focusing its efforts on Fiber and is working on expanding its network. Through this, we can see Fiber soon be disruptive in the internet providing service market.

The 5Gbps service has a month fee of 125 US Dollars. And it doesn’t just end there as Google has also added that it is working on an 8Gbps option as well for Fiber. This was announced last year, although it is still under the “coming soon” banner. It is likely that this plan would also offer symmetrical upload and download speeds as well.



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