Home Auto News Geely’s Meizu reportedly planning to enter automobile market

Geely’s Meizu reportedly planning to enter automobile market

In 2022, Geely, a Chinese auto manufacturer acquired Meizu, a known smartphone brand in the Chinese market. But it seems that the company is planning on expanding to another market, which is automobile, that its parent company already specializes in.

Apparently, the Chinese smartphone maker has recently applied for the registration of two trademarks for “Wujie Automobile”. Both of these trademarks will be internationally classifies as a means of transportation.

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In other words, it is clearly related to an upcoming automobile. This trademark application has caused discussions about Meizu’s planning on entering car manufacturing. This is similar to how a Geely smartphone was rumored following the company’s acquiring Meizu.

The smartphone brand has also been hiring people into its automobile arm on a large scale as well. Its official website now also includes its recruitment drive for positions related to automobile. This includes vehicle system product managers, smart console project managers, and other technical positions. All of these recruitment offers are based in Wuhan, which is in China’s Hubei Province. Apart from this, the company is also hiring automobile business related positions as well, like trainers, marketers, and sales planning and promoters.

Meizu has officially confirmed that it is hiring talents in the automobile industry in China. Furthermore, it also added that it is working on building 1,000 stores over the course of the next three years that will showcase its smartphones and automobiles. These vehicles will also be equipped with the FlymeAuto car system.



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