Home News Instagram testing TikTok-like full-screen Home feed, updated navigation bar

Instagram testing TikTok-like full-screen Home feed, updated navigation bar

META CEO Mark Zuckerberg has announced that Instagram will start testing a new version of full-screen feed and changes to the navigation bar that will bring shortcuts for creating a post and accessing messages.

Instagram is testing TikTok like full screen Home feed

Regarding this, Mark Zuckerberg, said:

We want to make it easier to discover content and connect with friends.
Photos are still an important part of Instagram, and we’re working on ways to improve the way they show up in a full-screen Feed too. Some people will start seeing this test soon. Excited to hear your feedback!

Earlier reports already said that Instagram has announced that it has started testing full-screen photos and videos in the main Home feed that will offer an immersive viewing experience. This is similar TikTok which only has videos, just like the Instagram Reels.

With this, you will still be able to use the bottom navigation bar that has discovery tab, Reels, shopping and your account, but you just see one photo or video covering the whole screen. Even though the screenshot shared by the company doesn’t show Stories, it will likely be on the top of the feed, since this might be a post in the middle.

Since the full screen feature is in the testing stage, everyone might not get the feature, and might roll out randomly over the next few weeks.

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