Home News Facebook set to roll out “Snooze” Feature to temporarily block Pages and...

Facebook set to roll out “Snooze” Feature to temporarily block Pages and Groups

Facebook set to roll out "Snooze" Feature to temporarily block Pages and Groups
Facebook has through a blog post announced a new feature called “Snooze”. This feature allows users to temporary unfollow a Group, Page, or unwanted person from your News Feeds. In other words, it gives you control over your news feeds.

The Snooze feature allows users to temporarily unfollow a user or more for 30 days, getting rid of  posts or content you don’t like. The user, page or Group you unfollowed will not get any
notification that you have dropped them for a while.
Facebook set to roll out "Snooze" Feature to temporarily block Pages and Groups

Since this new feature is not a permanent solution to
unfollowing a page, user or group forever, it’s just for 30 days, to unfollow
any person permanently, you will need to use the normal Facebook feature.
However, before the 30 days period elapse, Facebook will alert the user if he
want to allow the Facebook “Snooze” Feature to continue or be disabled. So
if you want extend it, you will not disable it.

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This isn’t the first time Facebook has given its users a bit
more control over the content they see in their News Feed. Just like the “Hide”
feature which removes content from a specific person or page, but does so
indefinitely. Unlike the Snooze which is effective for 30 days only.
The new feature is expected to start rolling out to users from
the next week or before the beginning of next year. Well, you might yet to see
it right away, ensure you check your Facebook app regularly for the release. 



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