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10 Things You Can Do With An OTG Cable Connected To Your Android Smartphone

10 Things You Can Do With An OTG Cable On Your Smartphone
The meaning of USB OTG is simply USB On-the-GO. It enables USB
Devices to act as a host that allows other USB devices to be connected to them.
This feature was initially common among premium devices but now available for
almost all the smartphones in town. Here are 10 remarkable things owners of
such phones can do with an OTG Cable.

Charging A Phone With
another Phone
10 Things You Can Do With An OTG Cable Connected To Your Android Smartphone
This is very interesting as your device will automatically
turn a boss for other phones. A device with OTG support can be used to charge
other phones. Most of the time, the host usually come with bigger batteries. This
comes in handy in case you need to charge your phone for emergency purpose.
Connecting A Portable
Hard Drive To Your Phone
10 Things You Can Do With An OTG Cable Connected To Your Android Smartphone
Smartphones with OTG supports can as well use portable Hard
Drives, not only computers. Your portable hard drive or external storage can be
connected via the help of an OTG cable. All you need do is connecting the OTG
cable to your smartphone and the external storage. This gives you direct access
to whatever is stored in the external storage device from your file manager. Files
can also be transferred between the two devices via the help of an OTG cable.
Connecting A Game
Controller To Your Phone
10 Things You Can Do With An OTG Cable Connected To Your Android Smartphone
This comes in handy as some people like me might hate
hitting hard on their phone’s screen when play games. Gamers are mostly carried
away with what they are playing so it’s better to get a game controller. And to
do that you will need a device with OTG support.
Thus, this is another advantage of having smartphones with
OTG support is ability to attach game pads to them via the help of an OTG

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Connecting Your
Phone To A LAN
10 Things You Can Do With An OTG Cable Connected To Your Android Smartphone
Bored of sitting down on a PC or you have no access to a PC
at that moment but there’s a LAN close to you there? A simple connection of an
OTG cable to your phone can help you. Though, you‘ll need to get a LAN to USB
controller and connect it to your phone. Files can also be transferred via LAN
as well as internet connection from the network.
Sharing of Contacts,
Messages between two phones
10 Things You Can Do With An OTG Cable Connected To Your Android Smartphone
Samsung developed an app called SmartSwitch which helps in transferring
contacts, messages, call logs, and more between Android devices via the help of
an OTG cable.
Connecting A Keyboard
and Mouse To Your Phone
10 Things You Can Do With An OTG Cable Connected To Your Android Smartphone
Feel like turning your smartphone to a laptop or maybe I’ll
call it a All-In-One desktop that only needs the attachment of a keyboard and
mouse to perform tasks. All you need is to connect your USB mouse and keyboard
to your smartphone using an OTG cable.

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Connecting An External
Microphone To Your Phone
10 Things You Can Do With An OTG Cable Connected To Your Android Smartphone
image courtesy: labnol
Smartphones with OTG is a great tool Vloggers/YouTubers as
it can be connected with an external microphone to record their voice on their
Android smartphone. And that can be done with the help of an OTG cable.
Connecting A Camera
To Your Phone
10 Things You Can Do With An OTG Cable Connected To Your Android Smartphone
Are you a photographer that needs to quickly edit your photo
on the go without going around with a laptop, then OTG cable will do it for you?
All you need to do is to connect your Camera to an Android device via the help
of an OTG cable.

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Connecting A Printer
To Your Smartphone
10 Things You Can Do With An OTG Cable Connected To Your Android Smartphone
There are apps that can help you download drivers for USB
Printer on Android devices such as PrintShare.
It automatically downloads drivers for USB printers on your smartphone. Just
connect the Printer to your Android device with an OTG cable to print that
document directly.
Connecting Music
Instruments To Your Phone
10 Things You Can Do With An OTG Cable Connected To Your Android Smartphone
Virtually every modern musical instrument like keyboards,
guitars can now be connected directly to computers. Your smartphone can do
this, simply connect yours to it using the USB OTG cable.
If you have more, you can share it with us by typing it in the comment box below.



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