Home News MTN Back-Up Service – Everything You Should Know (Updated)

MTN Back-Up Service – Everything You Should Know (Updated)

MTN Back-up Service is a platform that enables subscribers securely backup and store their SIM contacts into the MTN Network. Subscribers can restore their contacts back to their SIMs in cases of SIM or phone loss.


Table of Interests

How Do I Access MTN Back-up Service?

Step 1.

User texts START to 7013 or User clicks on “BACKUP” on the sim menu. User is sent a second opt-in message

Step 2.

If User accepts the opt-in message, the user is subscribed for the service.

If user ignores the opt-in message, the User is not subscribed to the service.

Step 3.

If User is subscribed, the User is billed N100 for 2 Weeks Service or a fallback price of 50/Week

Step 4.

The User receives will receive a welcome message; “Good job! Your SIM contacts are now backing up. Please, do not switch off your phone. Thank you!”

And a charge notification.

Step 5.

The Phonebook Backup platform automatically begins to backup all the contacts in the users’ sim card.

Step 6.

As soon as the backup is complete, the user receives the message; “Congratulations! You have successfully saved your SIM contacts! Your subscription to MTN BackUp is active. To cancel, text STOP to 7013. Thank you!.”

More On MTN Back-up Service

What is the cost of MTN Back-up Service?

The subscription cost is as follows:

  • NGN N100 / 2week
  • NGN N50 / Week

How do I get Information about my subscription?

Text “INFO” to 7013 if you require more details and assistance about the service.

Will I be charged on accessing the INFO Service?

No. Accessing the INFO service is TOLL FREE. You will only be charged towards subscription if you choose to subscribe to the service.

I have a very basic handset. Can I access the service?

Yes, you can. The service can be accessed from any handset of any brand and model. There is no download required. Neither do you require any GPRS connectivity. Simply text START to 7013 or click on “BackUp” on your sim menu.

How to Restore My Contacts with MTN Back-up Service?

Simply text RESTORE to 7013 or click on RESTORE in your sim menu. As soon as the restore is complete, you will receive a confirmation sms “Congratulations! You have successfully restored your SIM contacts! Please, restart your phone now. Thank you!”

Is the service available to prepaid or postpaid?

Available for both postpaid and prepaid customers can.

Do I need to configure my phone?


Will I be billed if I attempt to subscribe to a service I have subscribed to already?

No. You will be notified that you are actively subscribed to it already.

How To Deactivate MTN Back-up Service?

Text STOP to 7013 to de-activate the service. On successful un-subscription, subscriber receives a message informing him/her that he/she has opted out of the service.



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