Latest reports are suggesting that Microsoft has finalized Windows 10X. This is entirely new version of Windows 10 designed for low-cost laptops; competitors of mobile computers running Chrome OS. Microsoft has completed internal work on Windows 10X Build 202XX; and is ready to release it in Release to Manufacturers (RTM).

Windows 10X designed for low cost devices

Recall that initially Windows 10X was supposed to come out with a dual-screen Surface Neo; but later the strategy was adjusted, and in the current version it is intended for ordinary laptops with a number of limitations (remember that we are talking about budget models with small amounts of memory).

Despite the fact that Windows 10X is already ready, laptops running it will only appear on sale in the spring. Tentatively, in April. Microsoft is not going to distribute Windows 10X as a free downloadable firmware, so ordinary users will not be able to install it on their PCs just like that; at least until the system image transferred from the system partition of one of the laptops with this OS appears.

Microsoft to bring support for Android apps in Windows 10 next year

More About Windows 10X

Windows 10X is a lightweight version of Windows 10 with unified drivers, no initial support for Win32 apps, and a simplified Start menu (no tiles). Another innovation in the Windows 10X interface is the rounded corners of the windows. If in Windows 10X this innovation has already been implemented, then in regular Windows 10 it, apparently, will appear only in about a year.



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